Golang flag.VisitAll() function example
package flag
VisitAll visits the command-line flags in lexicographical order, calling fn for each. It visits all flags, even those not set.
Golang flag.VisitAll() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
f := flag.NewFlagSet("flag", flag.ExitOnError)
f.Int("int", 0, "int flag with value")
f.Int("int2", 0, "second int flag with value")
visitor := func(a *flag.Flag) {
fmt.Println(">", a.Name, "value=", a.Value)
fmt.Println("First visit")
f.Visit(visitor) // no value assigned
f.Parse([]string{"-int", "108"}) // visit flag set earlier and assign value
fmt.Println("Second visit")
fmt.Println("Visit All")
f.VisitAll(visitor) // this will display the int2 flag
Output :
First visit
Second visit
> int value= 108
Visit All
> int value= 108
> int2 value= 0
See https://www.socketloop.com/references/golang-flag-visit-function-example for comparison
Reference :
See also : Golang flag.Visit() function example
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