Golang flag.Var() function example
package flag
Var defines a flag with the specified name(2nd parameter) and usage string(3rd parameter). The type and value(1st parameter) of the flag are represented by the first argument, of type Value, which typically holds a user-defined implementation of Value. For instance, the caller could create a flag that turns a comma-separated string into a slice of strings by giving the slice the methods of Value; in particular, Set would decompose the comma-separated string into the slice.
Golang flag.Var() function usage example
package main
import (
type flagStr struct {
value *string
func (f *flagStr) Set(value string) error {
f.value = &value
return nil
func (f *flagStr) Get() *string {
return f.value
func (f *flagStr) String() string {
if f.value != nil {
return *f.value
return ""
var (
appFlags struct {
appID flagStr
appSecret flagStr
func main() {
flag.Var(&appFlags.appID, "FBAppID", "Facebook Application ID")
flag.Var(&appFlags.appSecret, "FBAppSecret", "Facebook Application Secret")
fmt.Println(flag.Lookup("FBAppID")) // print the Flag struct
Output :
&{FBAppID Facebook Application ID 1234567890 }
Reference :
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