Golang flag.FlagSet.VisitAll() function example
package flag
VisitAll visits the flags in lexicographical order, calling fn for each. It visits all flags, even those not set.
Golang flag.FlagSet.VisitAll() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
f := flag.NewFlagSet("flag", flag.ExitOnError)
f.Int("int", 0, "int flag with value")
f.Int("int2", 0, "second int flag with value")
visitor := func(a *flag.Flag) {
fmt.Println(">", a.Name, "value=", a.Value)
fmt.Println("First visit")
f.Visit(visitor) // no value assigned
f.Parse([]string{"-int", "108"}) // visit flag set earlier and assign value
fmt.Println("Second visit")
fmt.Println("Visit All")
f.VisitAll(visitor) // this will display the int2 flag
Output :
First visit
Second visit
> int value= 108
Visit All
int value= 108
int2 value= 0
Reference :
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