Golang flag.FlagSet.Var() function example
package flag
Var defines a flag with the specified name(2nd parameter) and usage string(3rd parameter). The type and value of the flag are represented by the first argument, of type Value (1st parameter), which typically holds a user-defined implementation of Value. For instance, the caller could create a flag that turns a comma-separated string into a slice of strings by giving the slice the methods of Value; in particular, Set would decompose the comma-separated string into the slice.
Golang flag.FlagSet.Var() function usage example
package main
import (
type flagStr struct {
value *string
func (f *flagStr) Set(value string) error {
f.value = &value
return nil
func (f *flagStr) Get() *string {
return f.value
func (f *flagStr) String() string {
if f.value != nil {
return *f.value
return ""
var (
flagSet *flag.FlagSet
appFlags struct {
appID flagStr
appSecret flagStr
func main() {
flagSet = flag.NewFlagSet("example", flag.ContinueOnError)
flagSet.Var(&appFlags.appID, "FBAppID", "Facebook Application ID") // <-- here
err := flagSet.Parse([]string{"FBAppID"})
if err != nil {
Output :
&{FBAppID Facebook Application ID 1234567890 }
Reference :
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