Golang flag.BoolVar() function example
package flag
BoolVar defines a bool flag with specified name(2nd parameter), default value(3rd parameter), and usage string(4th parameter). The argument p(1st parameter) points to a bool variable in which to store the value of the flag.
Golang flag.BoolVar() function usage example
package main
import (
var usejson bool
func init() {
flag.BoolVar(&usejson, "usejson", false, "When true, produce result in JSON blocks. Default : 'false'")
func main() {
fmt.Println(usejson) // print boolean value
fmt.Println(flag.Lookup("usejson")) // print Flag struct
Output :
&{usejson When true, produce result in JSON blocks. Default : 'false' false false}
Reference :
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