Golang expvar.Var type and Get() function example
package expvar
Var type is an abstract type for all exported variables.
Get function retrieves a named exported variable.
Golang expvar.Var type usage example
type Graphite struct {
endpoint string
interval time.Duration
timeout time.Duration
connection net.Conn
vars map[string]expvar.Var
registrations chan namedVar
shutdown chan chan bool
g := &Graphite{
endpoint: endpoint,
interval: interval,
timeout: timeout,
connection: nil,
vars: map[string]expvar.Var{},
registrations: make(chan namedVar),
shutdown: make(chan chan bool),
Golang expvar.Get() function usage example
reqs := expvar.NewFloat("requests-float")
if reqs.f != 0.0 {
fmt.Printf("reqs.f = %v, want 0", reqs.f)
if reqs != expvar.Get("requests-float").(*Float) {
fmt.Printf("Get() failed.")
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