Golang encoding/xml.Marshal() function examples
package encoding/xml
Marshal returns the XML encoding of v.
Marshal handles an array or slice by marshalling each of the elements. Marshal handles a pointer by marshalling the value it points at or, if the pointer is nil, by writing nothing. Marshal handles an interface value by marshalling the value it contains or, if the interface value is nil, by writing nothing. Marshal handles all other data by writing one or more XML elements containing the data. See ( http://golang.org/pkg/encoding/xml/#Marshal ) for more detailed description.
Golang encoding/xml.Marshal() function usage examples
Example 1 :
package main
import (
type Address struct {
City, State string
type Person struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"person"`
Id int `xml:"id,attr"`
FirstName string `xml:"name>first"`
LastName string `xml:"name>last"`
Age int `xml:"age"`
Height float32 `xml:"height,omitempty"`
Married bool
Comment string `xml:",comment"`
func main() {
v := &Person{Id: 13, FirstName: "John", LastName: "Doe", Age: 42}
v.Comment = " Need more details. "
v.Address = Address{"Hanga Roa", "Easter Island"}
output, err := xml.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
Output :
<person id="13"><name><first>John</first><last>Doe</last></name><age>42</age>
<Married>false</Married><City>Hanga Roa</City>
<State>Easter Island</State><!-- Need more details. --></person>
Example 2 :
func xmlEncode(i interface{}) (s string, err error) {
var buf []byte
buf, err = xml.Marshal(i)
if err != nil {
s = string(buf)
Reference :
See also : Golang encoding/xml.MarshalIndent() function example
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