Golang encoding/xml.Decoder.Skip() function example
package encoding/xml
Skip reads tokens until it has consumed the end element matching the most recent start element already consumed. It recurs if it encounters a start element, so it can be used to skip nested structures. It returns nil if it finds an end element matching the start element; otherwise it returns an error describing the problem.
Golang encoding/xml.Decoder.Skip() function usage example
func parseItem(p *parser) stateFunc {
t, err := p.next()
if err {
return nil
switch token := t.(type) {
case xml.StartElement:
// Properties
if token.Name.Space == "" && token.Name.Local == "Properties" {
if len(p.stack) == 0 {
p.dec.Skip() // <-- here
return parseItem
item := p.look()
if item == nil || item.HasProps {
return parseItem
item.HasProps = true
return parseProp
// Item
if token.Name.Space != "" || token.Name.Local != "Item" {
return parseItem
class := p.getattr(token, "", "class")
if class == nil {
return parseItem
item := &Item{
Class: class.Value,
Properties: map[string]Prop{},
HasProps: false,
Children: []*Item{},
return parseItem
case xml.EndElement:
// Also handles root element; stack may be empty
return parseItem
case xml.CharData:
// ignore
return parseItem
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