Golang encoding/hex.Decode() function example
package encoding/hex
Decode decodes src(2nd parameter) into DecodedLen(len(src)) bytes, returning the actual number of bytes written to dst (1st parameter). If Decode encounters invalid input, it returns an error describing the failure.
Golang encoding/hex.Decode() function usage example :
package main
import (
func main() {
str := "abcd"
src := []byte(str)
dst := make([]byte, hex.DecodedLen(len(src)))
num, err := hex.Decode(dst, src) // <----- here
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Number of bytes written : %v", num)
Output :
Number of bytes written : 2
If Decode encounter error, it will explain why. For example :
encoding/hex: odd length hex string
exit status 1
Reference :
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