Golang encoding/binary.ReadUvarint() function example
package encoding/binary
ReadUvarint reads an encoded unsigned integer from r(1st parameter) and returns it as a uint64.
Golang encoding/binary.ReadUvarint() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
var emptybuf []byte
var buf []byte = []byte{144, 192, 192, 129, 132, 136, 140, 144, 16, 0, 1, 1}
var overflowbuf []byte = []byte{144, 192, 192, 129, 132, 136, 140, 144, 192, 192, 1, 1}
num, err := binary.ReadUvarint(bytes.NewBuffer(emptybuf))
fmt.Println(num, err)
num, err = binary.ReadUvarint(bytes.NewBuffer(buf))
fmt.Println(num, err)
num, err = binary.ReadUvarint(bytes.NewBuffer(overflowbuf))
fmt.Println(num, err)
Output :
4620746270195064848 binary: varint overflows a 64-bit integer
Reference :
See also : Golang encoding/binary.ReadVarint() function example
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