Golang encoding/base32.Encoding.Decode function example
package encoding/base32
Decode decodes src(2nd parameter) using the encoding enc. It writes at most DecodedLen(len(src)) bytes to dst(1st parameter) and returns the number of bytes written. If src contains invalid base32 data, it will return the number of bytes successfully written and CorruptInputError. New line characters (\r and \n) are ignored.
Golang encoding/base32.Encoding.Decode function usage example
func packBase32(s string) []byte {
b32len := base32.HexEncoding.DecodedLen(len(s))
buf := make([]byte, b32len)
n, _ := base32.HexEncoding.Decode(buf, []byte(s)) // <----- Decode function
buf = buf[:n]
return buf
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