Golang encoding/asn1.Unmarshal function example
package encoding/asn1
Unmarshal parses the DER-encoded ASN.1 data structure b(1st param) and uses the reflect package to fill in an arbitrary value pointed at by val(2nd value). Because Unmarshal uses the reflect package, the structs being written to must use upper case field names.
see the rest of the description at http://golang.org/pkg/encoding/asn1/#Unmarshal
Golang encoding/asn1.Unmarshal function usage example
var raw []byte // pem block
block, _ := pem.Decode(raw)
raw := block.Bytes
key := struct {
Version int // remember... must use upper case field names
P *big.Int
Q *big.Int
G *big.Int
Priv *big.Int
Pub *big.Int
var rest []byte
rest, err = asn1.Unmarshal(raw, &key)
Reference :
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