Golang encoding/ascii85.Decode function example

package encoding/ascii85

Decode decodes given input source(2nd param) into output(1st param), returning both the number of bytes written to output(1st param) and the number consumed from source(2nd param). If source contains invalid ascii85 data, Decode will return the number of bytes successfully written and a CorruptInputError. Decode ignores space and control characters in src. Often, ascii85-encoded data is wrapped in <~ and ~> symbols. Decode expects these to have been stripped by the caller.

If flush is true, Decode assumes that src represents the end of the input stream and processes it completely rather than wait for the completion of another 32-bit block.

NewDecoder wraps an io.Reader interface around Decode.

Golang encoding/ascii85.Decode function usage example

 package main

 import (

 func main() {

  // encoded message
  src := "9jqo^BlbD-BleB1DJ+*+F(f,q/0JhKF<GL>Cj@.4Gp$d7F!,L7@<6@)/0JDEF<G%<+EV:2F!,\n" +
 "O<DJ+*.@<*K0@<6L(Df-\\0Ec5e;DffZ(EZee.Bl.9pF\"AGXBPCsi+DGm>@3BB/F*&OCAfu2/AKY\n" +
 "i(DIb:@FD,*)+C]U=@3BN#EcYf8ATD3s@q?d$AftVqCh[NqF<G:8+EV:.+Cf>-FD5W8ARlolDIa\n" +
 "l(DId<j@<?3r@:F%a+D58'ATD4$Bl@l3De:,-DJs`8ARoFb/0JMK@qB4^F!,R<AKZ&-DfTqBG%G\n" +

  newbuffer := make([]byte, len(src))

  _, _, err := ascii85.Decode(newbuffer, []byte(src), true)

  if err != nil {

  // print out the decoded message


Output :

Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this singular passion from other animals, which is a lust of the mind, that by a perseverance of delight in the continued and indefatigable generation of knowledge, exceeds the short vehemence of any carnal pleasure.

References :



  See also : Golang encoding/ascii85.Encode function example
