Golang crypto/x509.SignatureAlgorithm type example
package crypto/x509
Golang crypto/x509.SignatureAlgorithm type usage examples
if err := x509.CheckSignature(cert.SignatureAlgorithm, cert.RawTBSCertificate, cert.Signature); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Corrupted signature on embedded certificate")
switch {
case x509Cert.SignatureAlgorithm == x509.MD2WithRSA:
return "MD2WithRSA Algorithm"
case x509Cert.SignatureAlgorithm == x509.MD5WithRSA:
return "MD5WithRSA Algorithm"
case x509Cert.SignatureAlgorithm == x509.SHA1WithRSA:
return "SHA1WithRSA Algorithm"
case x509Cert.SignatureAlgorithm == x509.SHA256WithRSA:
return "SHA256WithRSA Algorithm"
case x509Cert.SignatureAlgorithm == x509.SHA384WithRSA:
return "SHA384WithRSA Algorithm"
case x509Cert.SignatureAlgorithm == x509.SHA512WithRSA:
return "SHA512WithRSA Algorithm"
case x509Cert.SignatureAlgorithm == x509.DSAWithSHA1:
return "DSAWithSHA1 Algorithm"
case x509Cert.SignatureAlgorithm == x509.DSAWithSHA256:
return "DSAWithSHA256 Algorithm"
case x509Cert.SignatureAlgorithm == x509.ECDSAWithSHA1:
return "ECDSAWithSHA1 Algorithm"
case x509Cert.SignatureAlgorithm == x509.ECDSAWithSHA256:
return "ECDSAWithSHA256 Algorithm"
case x509Cert.SignatureAlgorithm == x509.ECDSAWithSHA384:
return "ECDSAWithSHA384 Algorithm"
case x509Cert.SignatureAlgorithm == x509.ECDSAWithSHA512:
return "ECDSAWithSHA512 Algorithm"
return "UnknownSignatureAlgorithm"
Reference :
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