Golang crypto/x509/pkix.TBSCertificateList example
package crypto/x509/pkix
TBSCertificateList represents the ASN.1 structure of the same name. See RFC 5280, section 5.1.
Golang crypto/x509/pkix.TBSCertificateList usage example
cert, _ := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes)
now := time.Unix(1000, 0)
expiry := time.Unix(10000, 0)
revokedCerts := []pkix.RevokedCertificate{
SerialNumber: big.NewInt(1),
RevocationTime: now,
SerialNumber: big.NewInt(42),
RevocationTime: now,
tbsCertList := pkix.TBSCertificateList{
Version: 2,
Signature: pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier{
Algorithm: oidSignatureSHA1WithRSA,
Issuer: cert.Subject.ToRDNSequence(),
ThisUpdate: now.UTC(),
NextUpdate: expiry.UTC(),
RevokedCertificates: revokedCerts,
Reference :
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