Golang crypto/x509/pkix.Name type example
package crypto/x509/pkix
Name represents an X.509 distinguished name. This only includes the common elements of a DN. Additional elements in the name are ignored.
Golang crypto/x509/pkix.Name type usage example
template := x509.Certificate {
Subject : pkix.Name{
Country : []string{"Earth"},
Organization: []string{"Mother Nature"},
OrganizationalUnit: []string{"Solar System"},
Locality: []string{""},
Province: []string{""},
StreetAddress: []string{"Solar System"},
PostalCode: []string{"Planet # 3"},
SerialNumber: "123",
CommonName: "Gaia",
IsCA : true,
BasicConstraintsValid : true,
SubjectKeyId : []byte{1,2,3},
SerialNumber : big.NewInt(1234),
NotBefore : time.Now(),
NotAfter : time.Now().AddDate(5,5,5),
// see http://golang.org/pkg/crypto/x509/#KeyUsage
ExtKeyUsage : []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth, x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth},
KeyUsage : x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature|x509.KeyUsageCertSign,
Reference :
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