Golang crypto/x509.DecryptPEMBlock function example
package crypto/x509
DecryptPEMBlock takes a password encrypted PEM block and the password used to encrypt it and returns a slice of decrypted DER encoded bytes. It inspects the DEK-Info header to determine the algorithm used for decryption. If no DEK-Info header is present, an error is returned. If an incorrect password is detected an IncorrectPasswordError is returned.
Golang crypto/x509.DecryptPEMBlock function usage example
blockType := "RSA PRIVATE KEY"
password := []byte("password")
// see http://golang.org/pkg/crypto/x509/#pkg-constants
cipherType := x509.PEMCipherAES256
EncryptedPEMBlock, err := x509.EncryptPEMBlock(rand.Reader,
[]byte("secret message"),
if err != nil {
DecryptedPEMBlock, err := x509.DecryptPEMBlock(EncryptedPEMBlock, password)
if err != nil {
See https://www.socketloop.com/tutorials/golang-encrypt-and-decrypt-data-with-x509-crypto
Reference :
See also : Golang crypto/x509.EncryptPEMBlock function example
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