Golang crypto/subtle.ConstantTimeCompare() function example
package crypto/subtle
ConstantTimeCompare returns 1 iff the two equal length slices, x(1st param) and y(2nd param), have equal contents. The time taken is a function of the length of the slices and is independent of the contents.
Golang crypto/subtle.ConstantTimeCompare() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
X := []byte("Hello")
Y := []byte("World")
Z := []byte("Hello")
n := subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(X,Y) // X != Y, n = 0
fmt.Printf("n : %d\n", n)
nn := subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(X,Z) // X == Z, nn = 1
fmt.Printf("nn : %d\n", nn)
Output :
n : 0
nn : 1
Reference :
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