Golang crypto/rsa EncryptOAEP() and DecryptOAEP() functions example
package crypto/rsa
EncryptOAEP encrypts the given message with RSA-OAEP. The message must be no longer than the length of the public modulus less twice the hash length plus 2.
DecryptOAEP decrypts ciphertext using RSA-OAEP. If random != nil, DecryptOAEP uses RSA blinding to avoid timing side-channel attacks.
Golang crypto/rsa EncryptOAEP() and DecryptOAEP() functions usage example
// EncryptOAEP
msg := []byte("The secret message!")
label := []byte("")
md5hash := md5.New()
encryptedmsg, err := rsa.EncryptOAEP(md5hash, rand.Reader, publickey, msg, label)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("OAEP encrypted [%s] to \n[%x]\n", string(msg), encryptedmsg)
// DecryptOAEP
decryptedmsg, err := rsa.DecryptOAEP(md5hash, rand.Reader, privatekey, encryptedmsg, label)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("OAEP decrypted [%x] to \n[%s]\n",encryptedmsg, decryptedmsg)
Please see RSA package functions example for full example.
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