Golang crypto/elliptic.Unmarshal() function example
package crypto/elliptic
Unmarshal converts a point, serialized by Marshal, into an x, y pair. On error, x = nil.
Golang crypto/elliptic.Unmarshal() function usage example
var marshaled []byte
marshaled = elliptic.Marshal(elliptic.P224(), x, y)
fmt.Printf("Point : %x\n", marshaled)
var unmarX, unmarY *big.Int
unmarX, unmarY = elliptic.Unmarshal(elliptic.P224(), marshaled)
fmt.Printf("Unmarshaled X : %d\n Y : %d\n", unmarX, unmarY)
Example output :
Point : 04f93bd2b06e3c0bb1......b812fe
Unmarshaled X : 262473703821.....691646499146372
Y : 2307843595856198227....859233022
Reference :
See also : Golang crypto/elliptic.GenerateKey() function example
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