Golang crypto/ecdsa.GenerateKey() function example
package crypto/ecdsa
GenerateKey generates a public and private key pair.
Golang crypto/ecdsa.GenerateKey() function usage example
pubkeyCurve := elliptic.P256() //see http://golang.org/pkg/crypto/elliptic/#P256
privatekey := new(ecdsa.PrivateKey)
privatekey, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(pubkeyCurve, rand.Reader) // this generates a public & private key pair
if err != nil {
var pubkey ecdsa.PublicKey
pubkey = privatekey.PublicKey
fmt.Println("Private Key :")
fmt.Printf("%x \n", privatekey)
fmt.Println("Public Key :")
fmt.Printf("%x \n",pubkey)
See ECDSA tutorial for full example
Reference :
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