Golang crypto/dsa.Verify() function example
package crypto/dsa
Verify function verifies the signature using the given public key input against the hash and r,s integers. It reports whether the signature is valid.
Golang crypto/dsa.Verify() function usage example
var pubkey dsa.PublicKey
pubkey = privatekey.PublicKey
var h hash.Hash
h = md5.New()
r := big.NewInt(0)
s := big.NewInt(0)
io.WriteString(h, "This is the message to be signed and verified!")
signhash := h.Sum(nil)
r, s, err := dsa.Sign(rand.Reader, privatekey, signhash)
if err != nil {
// Verify
verifystatus := dsa.Verify(&pubkey, signhash, r, s)
fmt.Println(verifystatus) // should be true
See How to use DSA functions tutorial for more details
Reference :
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