Golang compress/flate.NewReader() and NewReaderDict() functions example
package compress/flate
Golang compress/flate.NewReader() and NewReaderDict() functions usage example.
package main
import (
func main() {
inputFile, err := os.Open("file.txt.compressed")
if err != nil {
defer inputFile.Close()
outputFile, err := os.Create("file.txt.decompressed")
if err != nil {
defer outputFile.Close()
flateReader := flate.NewReader(inputFile) //<----- here!
defer flateReader.Close()
io.Copy(outputFile, flateReader)
and if the file is compressed with NewWriterDict ( with Dictionary ), use NewReaderDict() function instead :
// note : NewReaderDict is typically used to read data compressed by NewWriterDict.
var dict = "test files for Golang"
flateReader := flate.NewReaderDict(inputFile, []byte(dict))
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