Golang bytes.ToLowerSpecial() function example
package bytes
ToLowerSpecial returns a copy of the byte input slice with all Unicode letters mapped to their lower case, giving priority to the special casing rules. (See http://golang.org/pkg/unicode/#SpecialCase )
Golang bytes.ToLowerSpecial() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
str := []byte("ŞĞÜÖIİ")
tolower := bytes.ToLowerSpecial(unicode.AzeriCase, str)
Output :
To detect special case from the environment, try this function
var specialCase unicode.SpecialCase
func init() {
for _, env := range []string{"LC_ALL", "LC_CTYPE", "LANG"} {
locale := os.Getenv(env)
if strings.HasPrefix("tr_", locale) {
specialCase = unicode.TurkishCase
if strings.HasPrefix("az_", locale) {
specialCase = unicode.AzeriCase
Reference :
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