Golang bytes.Replace() function example
package bytes
Replace returns a copy of the input slice with the first non-overlapping instances of old ( 2nd input parameter) replaced by new (3rd input parameter). The number of replacement (n) is determined by the 4th parameter in the Replace function. If n < 0, there is no limit on the number of replacements.
Golang bytes.Replace() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
str := []byte("abcdefgh abc abc xyz abc")
replace := bytes.Replace(str, []byte("abc"), []byte("cba"), 2)
replaceall := bytes.Replace(str, []byte("abc"), []byte("cba"), -1)
Output :
cbadefgh cba abc xyz abc
cbadefgh cba cba xyz cba <------ replace all
Reference :
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