Golang bytes.IndexRune() function example
package bytes
IndexRune interprets the given input as a sequence of UTF-8-encoded Unicode code points. It returns the byte index of the first occurrence in the given input of the given rune and it returns -1 if rune has no match
package main
import (
func main() {
slice := []byte("abcdefg")
slicebyteindex := bytes.IndexRune(slice, 'd')
fmt.Printf("d index num is %d inside the string %s\n", slicebyteindex, string(slice))
utf8slice := []byte("大世界和小世界")
utf8byteindex := bytes.IndexRune(utf8slice, '小')
fmt.Printf("小 index num is %d inside the string %s\n", utf8byteindex, string(utf8slice))
utf8byteindex2 := bytes.IndexRune(utf8slice, '界')
fmt.Printf("界 index num is %d inside the string %s\n", utf8byteindex2, string(utf8slice))
Output :
d index num is 3 inside the string abcdefg
小 index num is 12 inside the string 大世界和小世界
界 index num is 6 inside the string 大世界和小世界
Reference :
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