Golang bytes.IndexAny() function example
package bytes
IndexAny interprets the input slice as a sequence of UTF-8-encoded Unicode code points. It returns the byte index of the first occurrence in the input slice of any of the Unicode code points search key. It returns -1 if chars is empty or if there is no code point(search key) in common.
Golang bytes.IndexAny() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
search_input := []byte("abcd和efghi")
indexany := bytes.IndexAny(search_input, "和") // if 和 is not available, indexany value will be -1
fmt.Printf("Print everything after index number : %d [%s]\n", indexany, string(search_input[indexany:]))
Output :
Print everything after index number : 4 [和efghi]
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