Golang bytes. FieldsFunc() function example
package bytes
FieldsFunc interprets the input slice as a sequence of UTF-8-encoded Unicode code points. It splits the slice around each instance of a given rune.
Golang bytes. FieldsFunc() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
strslice := []byte("a b c d e f \tg") // \t is tab space
strfield := bytes.FieldsFunc(strslice, func(divide rune) bool {
return divide == ' ' // we divide at empty white space
for i, subslice := range strfield {
fmt.Printf("Counter %d : %s \n", i, string(subslice))
utf8slice := []byte("大世界和小世界")
utf8field := bytes.FieldsFunc(utf8slice, func(divide rune) bool {
return divide == '和'
for i, utf8slice := range utf8field {
fmt.Printf("Counter %d : %s \n", i, string(utf8slice))
Output :
Counter 0 : a
Counter 1 : b
Counter 2 : c
Counter 3 : d
Counter 4 : e
Counter 5 : f
Counter 6 : g
Counter 0 : 大世界
Counter 1 : 小世界
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