Golang bufio.NewWriterSize() function example
package bufio
NewWriterSize returns a new Writer whose buffer has at least the specified size. If the argument io.Writer is already a Writer with large enough size, it returns the underlying Writer.
Golang bufio.NewWriterSize() function usage example
package main
import (
func main() {
screenBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
screenWriter := bufio.NewWriterSize(screenBuffer, 8192) // our buffer has size of 8192 = 8KB
fmt.Fprint(screenWriter, "Hello, ")
fmt.Fprint(screenWriter, "world! 你好世界")
// print empty size buffer
fmt.Printf("Buffer size is %d bytes for string [%s] \n", len(screenBuffer.Bytes()), string(screenBuffer.Bytes()))
// flush to buffer
fmt.Printf("Buffer size is %d bytes for string [%s] \n", len(screenBuffer.Bytes()), string(screenBuffer.Bytes()))
Output :
Buffer size is 0 bytes for string []
Buffer size is 26 bytes for string [Hello, world! 你好世界]
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