Fostering diversity in Golang community
Just a quick blog post to flush out my thoughts on diversity in Golang community.
I'm not really a big….... read more
20th January 2016
IT people firewalling you? Why you are being ignored by IT people.
With the explosion of smart phones and computers usage through out the world. More and more people are finding themselves….... read more
10th December 2015
Kenaf seeds sprout
Earlier I brought back some Kenaf seeds from the Kenaf farm near the border of Malaysia and Thailand. However, the….... read more
8th December 2015
Programming productivity depends on your tools and language choice
Saw an old video commercial shared on Facebook today. It is an advertisement from the 90's about the benefits of….... read more
7th December 2015
Reduce image file size with these compressors to optimize website speed
Optimizing web site for fastest loading is crucial for web user experience and also one of the important signals that….... read more
30th November 2015
Quicker ways to access OS X System Preferences
There are many options available in the System Preferences that allows customisation of your OS X. However, there are times….... read more
27th November 2015
Find out the font name with WhatTheFont
Found this interesting online tool call WhatTheFont. Basically, it allows you to upload an image and tells you….... read more
26th November 2015
Explore Firefox developer tools
Being a “developers friendly” browsers. Firefox aims to provide as many tools as possible to make life healthier for developers….... read more
24th November 2015
Play Atari Breakout in Google Images
Somehow my brain decided to take a strike today and rendering me unable to think. Maybe it is good time….... read more
20th November 2015
Play Pacman on Google
Continuing from my previous blog post about taking a break with Atari BreakOut in Google Images, this post is about….... read more
20th November 2015
Google Maps alternatives
Found these three mapping services that are developers friendly while helping out a friend who is looking for Google Maps….... read more
11th November 2015
Transferring Google Authenticator to new phone
Recently, my old smartphone is showing sign of age and it is time to upgrade to a new phone. Transferring….... read more
9th November 2015
Switch off get office notification in Windows 10
Upgraded my Windows 7 machine to Windows 10 recently. Since Microsoft is giving away Windows 10 for free, they must….... read more
9th November 2015
Common Interview Questions for Golang developers.
Thanks to the simplicity of Golang and soaring interest in using Golang as the programming language to develop new software.….... read more
6th November 2015
Alternatives reporting tools to Google Analytics
Managing a website without visitors tracking solution such as Google Analytics is kinda like groping in the dark to find….... read more
4th November 2015
Fix Mac OS X Applications Quits Unexpectedly
A friend was having frequent application crashes on his Mac OS X - Yosemite recently. Not sure what is causing….... read more
3rd November 2015
Understanding Google Analytics' Cohort Analysis User Retention
If you are planning to start an online business or already running an online business. Chances are you want to….... read more
2nd November 2015
What does ad blocking mean for startups ?
Enough has been said about what will ad blocking do to publishers' bottom line, so this article is not about….... read more
29th October 2015
Definition and Objectives of Growth Hacking
There are many definitions and interpretations of the actual meaning of Growth Hacking out there. Will use the definition according….... read more
29th October 2015
Guide to identify the types of software developers
"Software is eating the world" - The news is that every day more and more people are becoming software developers….... read more
27th October 2015
FREE Virtual Private Networks Providers
Internet used to be a trusted domain until cyber criminals/authorities catch up with technology. Nowadays, it is easy to sniff….... read more
27th October 2015
Create digital signature with Mac OS X Preview Application
One of the features that I really like about Mac OS X is the ability to capture your digital signature.….... read more
26th October 2015
Ways to force quit Mac application
Ever since I switched to Mac OS X from Windows, I haven't look back. Great operating system. Love it. However,….... read more
26th October 2015
Ways to Google for better result
In the past, when we want to search for some information, the first instinct is to head to the library.….... read more
26th October 2015
+9.4k Golang : Play .WAV file from command line
+18.2k Golang : Get path name to current directory or folder
+5.3k Golang : Reclaim memory occupied by make() example
+9.4k Golang : Scramble and unscramble text message by randomly replacing words
+10.6k Golang : Bubble sort example
+9.2k Golang : How to control fmt or log print format?
+22.3k Golang : Read directory content with filepath.Walk()
+5.8k Unix/Linux : How to test user agents blocked successfully ?
+21.8k Golang : Upload big file (larger than 100MB) to AWS S3 with multipart upload
+15.9k Golang : Update database with GORM example
+11.2k CodeIgniter : How to check if a session exist in PHP?
+14.3k Golang : Recombine chunked files example