Switch off get office notification in Windows 10
Upgraded my Windows 7 machine to Windows 10 recently. Since Microsoft is giving away Windows 10 for free, they must find some ways to make revenue to recoup their losses - i.e to stimulate other sales of more profitable goods or services such as Microsoft Office or One Drive.
This tactic is similar to the loss leader marketing tactic use by hyper markets to lure in customers by selling certain goods below market prices.
One of Microsoft's call for action to the Windows 10 users is to download Office. They use a notification prompt to get your attention so that you will be "reminded" or "harassed" to well... get office.
If you have already owned a copy office or using alternative to Microsoft Office ... such as Libre Office, then you will want to switch off this annoying notification.
To switch off the notification :
First, hit the Start menu, then click on Settings, and navigate to System > Notifications and actions, and scroll at the way down
Right-click on the notification itself and then select Turn off notifications for this app
Uninstall Office 365 :-)
References :
By AdamNg
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