Golang : PGX CopyFrom to insert rows into Postgres database
Here is an example of how to use PGX's CopyFrom function to insert rows into Postgres database. The HScodes table is for my own reference, you will need to substitute it with your own table and struct.
Here you go!
type HScodes struct {
Sid int `json:"sid" db:"sid"`
HScode string `json:"name" db:"hscode"`
Keyword string `json:"value" db:"keyword"`
var dataToInsert []models.HScodes
rowsToInsert := [][]interface{}{}
for i := 0; i < len(dataToInsert); i++ {
row := []interface{}{dataToInsert[i].HScode, dataToInsert[i].Keyword}
rowsToInsert = append(rowsToInsert, row)
copyCount, err := database.WrapCopyFrom(ctx, pgx.Identifier{"hscodes"},
[]string{"hscode", "keyword"},
Happy coding!
Reference :
See also : Golang : Trim everything onward after a word
By Adam Ng
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