
golang.pngGolang : GMail API create and send draft with simple upload attachment example

6th July 2016

Continuing from our previous example of how to send an email with attachment using Gmail API. We will….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Send email with attachment(RFC2822) using Gmail API example

5th July 2016

This is a simple tutorial on how to send email using Gmail API in Golang since the examples found in….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Chunk split or divide a string into smaller chunk example

4th July 2016


You need a function in Golang that are similar to PHP's chunk_split() function that can split a string into….... read more

golang.pngGolang: Pad right or print ending(suffix) zero or spaces in fmt.Printf example

4th July 2016

From the previous tutorial on how to pad left or print leading zeros with fmt.Printf() function, a reader….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Simple client-server HMAC authentication without SSL example

3rd July 2016


You are building a distributed system that involves multiple processes communicating across a cluster of computers. You want to….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Inject/embed Javascript before sending out to browser example

2nd July 2016


You want to grab some Javascript code from other sources such as an external server or you simply want….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Count leading or ending zeros(any item of interest) example

2nd July 2016


You want to count the number of leading spaces or zeros in a string such as

000-123-456 ,….... read more

golang.pngGolang : reCAPTCHA example

28th June 2016

For this tutorial we will explore how to implement reCAPTCHA with Golang. If you are running website with lots of….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Fix - does not implement sort.Interface (missing Len method)

21st June 2016


You are trying to use the sort.Sort() or sort.Reverse() functions on type []string data but encounter this error message:

.... read more

golang.pngGolang : Take screen shot of browser with JQuery example

14th June 2016

In this tutorial, we will learn how to do a screen capture of a client(browser) and send the capture screen….... read more

golang.pngGolang : minus time with Time.Add() or Time.AddDate() functions to calculate past date

14th June 2016

Let's go back into history for this tutorial's sake. Somehow you have invented a time traveling device powered by Golang….... read more

codeigniter.jpgCodeIgniter/PHP : Remove empty lines above RSS or ATOM xml tag

12th June 2016


Your friend is complaining that your website RSS feed is busted and validating with https://validator.w3.org gives this….... read more

google-analytics.pngDetect if Google Analytics and Developer Media are loaded properly or not

3rd June 2016

This is for my own future reference. I need a way to check if Digital Media and Google Analytics JavaScript….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Process non-XML/JSON formatted ASCII text file example

31st May 2016


You have to process raw data files produced by third-party servers that you have no control over. The files….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Convert long hexadecimal with strconv.ParseUint example

21st May 2016

Just an example on how to convert a long hexadecimal input string into integer. Most hexadecimal can be handled easily….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Use regular expression to get all upper case or lower case characters example

17th May 2016

This is an add-on for the previous tutorial on how to get all upper case or lower case….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Get all upper case or lower case characters from string example

17th May 2016


You have a string and you want to get all the uppercase characters in the string. For example, you….... read more

golang.pngGolang : Break string into a slice of characters example

17th May 2016


You want to convert a string into a slice/array of individual characters. It is similar to breaking….... read more
