Keep the children busy and train the A.I behind Google Autodraw simultenously
Anyway, my son likes to "disturb" me while I'm working and he is getting bored of his Lego toy. I….... read more
9th June 2017
Is my marketing working? Get the answer with Google Attribution
First, let's understand the term "last-click paradigm" or "last-click attribution". Last-Click paradigm refers to a web analytics model in which….... read more
9th June 2017
Vending machine selling Instagram and Vkontakte followers in Russia
Buying social media likes and followers is nothing new. For some people craving for attention, there are plenty of online….... read more
8th June 2017
Human serves Machine versus Machine serves Human business model
Oh, so you have an interesting idea for your startup and you want me to invest in your startup? So,….... read more
8th June 2017
Get colors in HEX or RGB in CSS,Sass or Less with Pictones
There are times when I came across a color scheme of an image that I'm interested in….... read more
7th June 2017
Bitcoin is more valuable than gold as of June 2017
Bitcoin's price is now worth more than double the price of gold and about to touch the USD 3,000 line.
….... read more6th June 2017
Similarities of Bhavagad Gita and Rich Dad Poor Dad
From time to time, I will re-read these two books. Rich Dad Poor Dad and Bhavagad-Gita. Below is my own….... read more
6th June 2017
Capture pristine resolution with Garmin VIRB 360 rugged 4K action camera
Whenever I heard the word Garmin, I would instantly associate it with the word GPS(Global Positioning System). However, Garmin also….... read more
5th June 2017
Binded - Easy peasy copyrighting tool for content creators
Alright, you like to create digital content and upload them online. You are known as a content creator. People such….... read more
5th June 2017
Book review - All My Friends Are Dead.
Ok, so I decided to pop out from my office a.k.a my man cave to park my….... read more
2nd June 2017
Seoul Station. Undead re-animated.
Being a fan of The Walking Dead series, I always look forward to watch movies featuring zombies but….... read more
25th May 2017
Don't call your self a programmer until you've read "The Art of Computer Programming"
Apart from Alan Turing, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Dennis Ritchie. Donald Knuth is another titan in the….... read more
24th May 2017
+6.1k Golang : Grab news article text and use NLP to get each paragraph's sentences
+6.9k Nginx : Password protect a directory/folder
+17.5k Golang : Clone with pointer and modify value
+7.1k Golang : Get Alexa ranking data example
+16k Golang : How to reverse elements order in map ?
+13k Swift : Convert (cast) Int to String ?
+6.9k Golang : Normalize email to prevent multiple signups example
+13.6k Golang : Set image canvas or background to transparent
+20.2k Golang : Count number of digits from given integer value
+13.6k Golang : Qt progress dialog example
+23.1k Golang : simulate tail -f or read last line from log file example
+13.6k Golang : reCAPTCHA example