Golang : Time slice or date sort and reverse sort example
Sorting time.Time
type and dates is pretty straight forward in Golang. Just curious why it is not included in the sort
Here’s an example of sorting slice of time.Time
in Go.
package main
import (
type timeSlice []time.Time
func (s timeSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Before(s[j]) }
func (s timeSlice) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s timeSlice) Len() int { return len(s) }
var past = time.Date(2010, time.May, 18, 23, 0, 0, 0, time.Now().Location())
var present = time.Now()
var future = time.Now().Add(24 * time.Hour)
var dateSlice timeSlice = []time.Time{present, future, past}
func main() {
fmt.Println("Past : ", past)
fmt.Println("Present : ", present)
fmt.Println("Future : ", future)
fmt.Println("Before sorting : ", dateSlice)
fmt.Println("After sorting : ", dateSlice)
fmt.Println("After REVERSE sorting : ", dateSlice)
Sample output :
Past : 2010-05-18 23:00:00 +0800 SGT
Present : 2015-08-04 10:57:34.019368428 +0800 SGT
Future : 2015-08-05 10:57:34.019368476 +0800 SGT
Before sorting : [2015-08-04 10:57:34.019368428 +0800 SGT 2015-08-05 10:57:34.019368476 +0800 SGT 2010-05-18 23:00:00 +0800 SGT]
After sorting : [2010-05-18 23:00:00 +0800 SGT 2015-08-04 10:57:34.019368428 +0800 SGT 2015-08-05 10:57:34.019368476 +0800 SGT]
After REVERSE sorting : [2015-08-05 10:57:34.019368476 +0800 SGT 2015-08-04 10:57:34.019368428 +0800 SGT 2010-05-18 23:00:00 +0800 SGT]
Reference :
See also : Golang : Sort and reverse sort a slice of strings
By Adam Ng
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