Golang : Sort and reverse sort a slice of floats
Problem :
How to sort and reverse sort a slice of floats ?
Solution :
Declare the slice type as sort.Float64Slice and use Sort() method and sort.Reverse functions.
package main
import (
var floatSlice sort.Float64Slice = []float64{4.22222, 1.5555, -6.55555, 99.889888}
func main() {
fmt.Println("Original : ", floatSlice[:])
fmt.Println("Sort : ", floatSlice[:])
fmt.Println("Reverse : ", floatSlice[:])
Output :
Original : [4.22222 1.5555 -6.55555 99.889888]
Sort : [-6.55555 1.5555 4.22222 99.889888]
Reverse : [99.889888 4.22222 1.5555 -6.55555]
See also : Golang : Sort and reverse sort a slice of integers
By Adam Ng
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