Golang : Randomize letters from a string example
For this short tutorial, we will learn how to randomize the letters(including symbols and empty spaces) in a string. Such as:
"Hello World!"
" ! WoHllderlo"
Basically, the idea is to convert the string into a slice, randomize(shuffle) the elements inside the slice and then convert the slice back into a string.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func breakToCharSlice(str string) []string {
tokens := []rune(str)
var result []string
for _, char := range tokens {
result = append(result, scanner.TokenString(char))
return result
func shuffle(src []string) []string {
final := make([]string, len(src))
perm := rand.Perm(len(src))
for i, v := range perm {
final[v] = src[i]
return final
func main() {
str := "Hello World!"
//strSlice := strings.Fields(str)
// we want to break the string into individual characters slice
// https://www.socketloop.com/tutorials/golang-break-string-into-a-slice-of-characters-example
strSlice := breakToCharSlice(str)
fmt.Println("Original :", str)
//fmt.Println("Converted to slice :", strSlice)
randomized := shuffle(strSlice)
// convert the slice back to string
randomizedStr := strings.Join(randomized, "")
// get rid the extra ""
randomizedStr = strings.Replace(randomizedStr, "\"", "", -1)
fmt.Printf("Randomized : %s\n", randomizedStr)
Some sample outputs:
>$ go run randomizeletters.go
>Original : Hello World!
>Randomized : Hlledr! lWoo
>$ go run randomizeletters.go
>Original : Hello World!
>Randomized : rdlollH oe!W
See also : Golang : Break string into a slice of characters example
By Adam Ng
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