Golang : Print out struct values in string format

This tutorial will show you how to create a method for a struct to print out the struct values out in string. The source code below should be self explanatory.

 package main

 import (

 type Person struct {
 Title string
 Surname string
 Age int

 // method for type Person
 func (this Person) String() string {
 return this.Title + " " + this.Surname + " " + strconv.Itoa(this.Age) // convert int to string

 func main() {

 var guy Person

 guy.Title = "Mr."
 guy.Surname = "Smith"
 guy.Age = 12

 // print values
 fmt.Println(guy.Title, guy.Surname, guy.Age)

 // or use method



Output :

Mr. Smith 12

Mr. Smith 12

By Adam Ng

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