Golang : Ordinal and Ordinalize a given number to the English ordinal numeral
Two functions that will convert a given number to the English ordinal numeral. Can be handy in developing chat bot and also printing out proper sentences. The functions below can handle negative number as well.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func Ordinal(num int) string {
var ordinalDictionary = map[int]string{
0: "th",
1: "st",
2: "nd",
3: "rd",
4: "th",
5: "th",
6: "th",
7: "th",
8: "th",
9: "th",
// math.Abs() is to convert negative number to positive
floatNum := math.Abs(float64(num))
positiveNum := int(floatNum)
if ((positiveNum % 100) >= 11) && ((positiveNum % 100) <= 13) {
return "th"
return ordinalDictionary[positiveNum]
func Ordinalize(num int) string {
var ordinalDictionary = map[int]string{
0: "th",
1: "st",
2: "nd",
3: "rd",
4: "th",
5: "th",
6: "th",
7: "th",
8: "th",
9: "th",
// math.Abs() is to convert negative number to positive
floatNum := math.Abs(float64(num))
positiveNum := int(floatNum)
if ((positiveNum % 100) >= 11) && ((positiveNum % 100) <= 13) {
return strconv.Itoa(num) + "th"
return strconv.Itoa(num) + ordinalDictionary[positiveNum]
func main() {
// oridinaL tests
fmt.Println("1 : ", Ordinal(1))
fmt.Println("2 : ", Ordinal(2))
fmt.Println("3 : ", Ordinal(3))
fmt.Println("4 : ", Ordinal(4))
fmt.Println("5 : ", Ordinal(5))
fmt.Println("6 : ", Ordinal(6))
fmt.Println("7 : ", Ordinal(7))
fmt.Println("8 : ", Ordinal(8))
fmt.Println("9 : ", Ordinal(9))
fmt.Println("102 : ", Ordinal(102))
fmt.Println("-99 : ", Ordinal(-99))
fmt.Println("-1021 : ", Ordinal(-1021))
// oridinaLIZE tests
fmt.Println("1 : ", Ordinalize(1))
fmt.Println("2 : ", Ordinalize(2))
fmt.Println("3 : ", Ordinalize(3))
fmt.Println("4 : ", Ordinalize(4))
fmt.Println("5 : ", Ordinalize(5))
fmt.Println("6 : ", Ordinalize(6))
fmt.Println("7 : ", Ordinalize(7))
fmt.Println("8 : ", Ordinalize(8))
fmt.Println("9 : ", Ordinalize(9))
fmt.Println("102 : ", Ordinalize(102))
fmt.Println("-99 : ", Ordinalize(-99))
fmt.Println("-1021 : ", Ordinalize(-1021))
1 : st
2 : nd
3 : rd
4 : th
5 : th
6 : th
7 : th
8 : th
9 : th
102 : nd
-99 : th
-1021 : st
1 : 1st
2 : 2nd
3 : 3rd
4 : 4th
5 : 5th
6 : 6th
7 : 7th
8 : 8th
9 : 9th
102 : 102nd
-99 : -99th
-1021 : -1021st
See also : Golang : How to convert a number to words
By Adam Ng
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