Golang : Logging with logrus
While researching for the previous tutorial on how to save log messages to file. I came across an interesting package for logging in Golang - the package Logrus basically simplified the entire logging process. This tutorial will cover basic usage and if you want more advance stuff.. please see https://github.com/Sirupsen/logrus .
Before running the examples below. Please :
>go get github.com/Sirupsen/logrus
Here you go :
package main
import (
var logger = logrus.New()
func main() {
// error, but not fatal
logger.Error("Some error, but continue.")
// just a warning, nothing to worry about ... yet
logger.Warn("Warning....crash to ground imminent.")
// this line WILL NOT appear because the default log.Level does not
// log anything that is debug level
// for debugging purpose...
logger.Debug("Just debugging information.")
// to enable debug
logger.Level = logrus.DebugLevel
logger.Debug("Just debugging information.")
// add fields to debug information
"variable": "value",
"username": "adam",
}).Debug("Even useful debugging information.")
// notice that debug as no color coding for fields...but not with Info!
"variable": "value",
"username": "adam",
}).Info("Even useful debugging information.")
// just for your information
logger.Info("Oh, just FYI!")
// Executes os.Exit(1) function after this line
// Executess panic() function after this line
Sample output :
ERRO[0000] Some error, but continue.
WARN[0000] Warning....crash to ground imminent.
DEBU[0000] Just debugging information.
DEBU[0000] Even useful debugging information. username=adam variable=value
INFO[0000] Even useful debugging information. username=adam variable=value
INFO[0000] Oh, just FYI!
FATA[0000] Abort!
exit status 1
References :
See also : Golang : How to save log messages to file?
By Adam Ng
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