Golang : List objects in AWS S3 bucket
For this tutorial, we will learn how to list a content of a AWS-S3 bucket.
The code below uses third-party packages from :
so before executing the code below.....please :
>go get launchpad.net/goamz/s3
>go get launchpad.net/goamz/aws
Here you go:
package main
import (
func main() {
AWSAuth := aws.Auth{
AccessKey: "", // change this to yours
SecretKey: "",
region := aws.USEast
// change this to your AWS region
// click on the bucketname in AWS control panel and click Properties
// the region for your bucket should be under "Static Website Hosting" tab
connection := s3.New(AWSAuth, region)
bucket := connection.Bucket("<bucketname>") // change this your bucket name
// get up to 500 objects. Default is 1000 objects
// see https://godoc.org/launchpad.net/goamz/s3#Bucket.List
// on how to configure the parameter
response, err := bucket.List("", "", "", 500)
if err != nil {
// NOTE : If you get this error message
// Get : 301 response missing Location header
// this is because you are using the wrong region for the bucket
// and if you want to figure out the bucket location automatically
// see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlocation.html
// I've try it out with http.Get() and just getting the authenticating
// requests part right is already too much
// work for this tutorial.
// See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sig-v4-authenticating-requests.html
// UPDATE 15th Jan 2015: See http://camlistore.org/pkg/misc/amazon/s3/#Client.BucketLocation
// if no error, then proceed to list the contents/objects inside the bucket
for _, objects := range response.Contents {
// see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html
// for other information to display
IF everything is setup correctly, this program should throw out a list of objects inside the bucket. The list will include objects inside sub-folders as well.
For the next tutorial, we will learn how to upload file to S3.
References :
See also : Golang : Upload and download file to/from AWS S3
By Adam Ng
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