Golang : How to tokenize source code with text/scanner package?
It has been a while since I touch the topic on tokenizer.....err... since the day I actually built a compiler back in the 90's in Ada95!
Ok, time to cut the grandma or grandpa story.
This short code example below demonstrate how to tokenize souce code with Golang's text/scanner
Here you go !
package main
import (
func main() {
code := `<?php
echo "Hello World!";
codeReader := strings.NewReader(code)
fmt.Println("TOKENS : ")
var scn scanner.Scanner
tok := scn.Scan()
for tok != scanner.EOF {
tok = scn.Scan()
Play at : http://play.golang.org/p/R9pDAt2jOO
By Adam Ng
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