Golang : Get command line arguments
Basically there are two ways to get arguments from the command line in Go.
The first way is via the flag
package main
import (
func main() {
flag.Parse() // get the arguments from command line
arg := flag.Arg(0) // get the source directory from 1st argument
fmt.Println("The first argument is " + arg)
the output :
go run flag.go here
The first argument is here
go run flag.go there
The first argument is there
The second way is via the os
package main
import (
func main () {
if len(os.Args) != 3 {
fmt.Printf("Usage : %s argument1 argument2 \n ", os.Args[0]) // return the program name back to %s
os.Exit(1) // graceful exit
fmt.Println("First argument is : " + os.Args[1] + "\n")
fmt.Println("Second argument is : " + os.Args[2] + "\n")
Ok, this should cover the needs to get arguments from command line. Did I miss anything ? Leave your comment below.
See also : Golang : Check if a directory exist or not
By Adam Ng
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