Golang : Frobnicate or tweaking a string example
A simple example of how to frobnicate(tweaking) a string with UTF-8 characters. Useful in obscuring plain text in embedded in executable binary file if you do not want the text to be visible to someone viewing your executable file with a hex editor. To achieve that, first frobnicate the text first into a obfuscated(frobnicated) text and then use the frobnicate function again on the obfuscated text during runtime to convert to readable text.
Here you go!
package main
import (
// frobnicate/tweak a string
func frobnicate(input string) string {
var result []string
for _,i := range input {
switch {
case unicode.IsSpace(i):
result = append(result, " ")
// uncomment to frob the digits
//case unicode.IsNumber(i):
// result = append(result, string(rune(i)))
case utf8.ValidRune(i):
result = append(result, string(rune(i) ^ 42))
return strings.Join(result,"")
func main() {
text := "жѳМѭњЂЯёЧВ 一二三 handle alphabets = ขอพฮศโำฐเฦ abc世界你好123 ペツワケザユプルヂザ"
fmt.Println("Invertible test:")
See also : Golang : Embed secret text string into binary(executable) file
By Adam Ng
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