Golang : Count leading or ending zeros(any item of interest) example
You want to count the number of leading spaces or zeros in a string such as
, ____abc
( _ = spaces)
ending hash and dollar symbols in a string such as
How to calculate the number of item of interest in a string?
In Golang, a string a can be treated like a slice(array). Use for
loop to iterate over the string, scan for item of interest and increase the counter whenever a match is found.
Here is an example on how to count number of leading and ending item of interest in a string.
Here you go!
package main
import (
func countLeading(str string, item rune) int {
counter := 0
for _, value := range str {
if value == item {
} else {
return counter
func Reverse(s string) string {
totalLength := len(s)
buffer := make([]byte, totalLength)
for i := 0; i < totalLength; {
r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
i += size
utf8.EncodeRune(buffer[totalLength-i:], r)
return string(buffer)
func countBackward(str string, item rune) int {
// reverse str first
reversedStr := Reverse(str)
reverseCounter := 0
for _, value := range reversedStr {
if value == item {
} else {
return reverseCounter
func main() {
spaceStr := " 2 spaces"
fmt.Println("["+spaceStr+"] has : ", countLeading(spaceStr, ' '), " leading spaces ")
threeZerosStr := "000 3 zeros"
fmt.Println("["+threeZerosStr+"] has : ", countLeading(threeZerosStr, '0'), " leading zeros ")
eightZerosStr := "00000000 8 zeros"
fmt.Println("["+eightZerosStr+"] has : ", countLeading(eightZerosStr, '0'), " leading zeros ")
poundStr := "## 2 hash symbols"
fmt.Println("["+poundStr+"] has : ", countLeading(poundStr, '#'), " leading # symbols ")
suffixPoundStr := "##$ # CALLMEMAYBE ###"
fmt.Println("["+suffixPoundStr+"] has : ", countBackward(suffixPoundStr, '#'), " ending # symbols ")
[ 2 spaces] has : 2 leading spaces
[000 3 zeros] has : 3 leading zeros
[00000000 8 zeros] has : 8 leading zeros
[## 2 hash symbols] has : 2 leading # symbols
[##$ # CALLMEMAYBE ###] has : 3 ending # symbols
Notice that in the string [##$ # CALLMEMAYBE ###]
the leading ##$
is ignored and not included in the calculation.
Hope this helps and happy coding!
See also : Golang : Convert octal value to string to deal with leading zero problem
By Adam Ng
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