Golang : convert rune to unicode hexadecimal value and back to rune character
There are times when we need to convert a rune to unicode hexadecimal style for storage purpose, encryption, manipulation and etc. Below is a short example on how to convert a rune to unicode hexadecimal value and how to convert unicode hexadecimal value back to rune character.
package main
import (
func main() {
// translate character to rune
r := rune('黄')
// extra the unicode \uxxxx value
unicode := strconv.QuoteRuneToASCII(r)
fmt.Println(string(r) + " unicode hex value is : ", unicode)
// convert back unicode to rune
// this WILL NOT work, it just prints out the unicode string
fmt.Println("\"\\u" + unicode[3:len(unicode)-1] + "\"")
// strangely, this will work
// therefore, to convert a unicode back to rune
// use strconv.Unquote
char, _ := strconv.Unquote(unicode)
fmt.Println(unicode + " rune character is : ", char)
Output :
黄 unicode hex value is : '\u9ec4'
'\u9ec4' rune character is : 黄
Hope you may find this short tutorial useful in dealing with unicode and rune.
Reference :
By Adam Ng
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