Golang : Clean formatting/indenting or pretty print JSON result
Your Golang program is producing JSON result in a single line that looks like this :
but you want to make the result human readable/clean formatted/indented or pretty print. How to do that?
Instead of using json.Marshal()
function, use json.MarshalIndent()
function instead.
package main
import (
func main() {
str := "apple orange durian pear"
// turn to slice
strSlice := strings.Fields(str)
fmt.Println("Slice : ", strSlice)
jsonPrettyPrint, _ := json.MarshalIndent(strSlice, "", " ")
fmt.Println("nicely indented/formatted JSON : \n", string(jsonPrettyPrint))
jsonWithOutIndent, _ := json.Marshal(strSlice)
fmt.Println("non-indented JSON : \n", string(jsonWithOutIndent))
Slice : [apple orange durian pear]
nicely indented/formatted JSON :
non-indented JSON :
By Adam Ng
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