Golang : Calculate elapsed years or months since a date
This is additional tutorial to our previous tutorial on how to calculate elasped run time. We will learn how to calculate the elapsed time in years, month and day.
NOTE : it is important to note that if you're trying this out in play.golang.org, please note that the time started on :
2009-11-10 23:00:00
Here it is :
package main
import (
func main() {
format := "Jan 2, 2006" // just a format. not taken into calculation
date := "Oct 29, 1978"
start, _ := time.Parse(format, date)
end := time.Since(start)
years := end / time.Hour / 24 / 365
fmt.Printf("%d years passed since %s\n", years, date)
months := years * 12
fmt.Printf("%d months passed since %s\n", months, date)
// calculating days can be tricky - need to factor in leap years and timezones(daylight saving)
output :
36 years passed since Oct 29, 1978
432 months passed since Oct 29, 1978
and if the code is executed on http://play.golang.org/p/SDs6NkInrL
31 years passed since Oct 29, 1978
372 months passed since Oct 29, 1978
By Adam Ng
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