Golang : Calculate BMI and risk category
I'm building a healthcare IoT device that will ask a person about their weight and report back the risk category. Eventually, the plan is to stop asking the question and take the weight measurement from a pressure sensor and display the risk category on a display. For now, let's get the basic right first.
To calculate BMI(Body Mass Index), the formula is
BMI = mass / height * height
where mass is in kilograms and height is in meters
and the health risk categories are :
- Underweight < 18.5
- Normal >= 18.5 and < 25
- Overweight >= 25 and < 30
- Obese >= 30
Here you go!
package main
import (
var (
weight, height, bmi float64
func main() {
fmt.Println("Enter your weight in kilograms : ")
fmt.Scanf("%f", &weight)
fmt.Println("Enter your height in meters : ")
fmt.Scanf("%f", &height)
fmt.Println("You have entered weight of : ", weight)
fmt.Println("You have entered height of : ", height)
bmi = weight / math.Pow(height, 2)
fmt.Println("Your BMI is : ", bmi)
fmt.Print("Your risk category is : ")
if bmi < float64(18.5) {
} else if bmi < 25 {
fmt.Println("Normal weight")
} else if bmi < 30 {
} else {
// calculate normal weight based on height and bmi = 25
normalWeight := 25 * math.Pow(height, 2)
delta := weight - normalWeight
fmt.Printf("The normal weight for your height is : %0.2v kilograms.\n", normalWeight)
if (delta > 0) && (bmi > 30) {
fmt.Printf("You need to reduce %0.2v kilograms.\n", math.Abs(delta))
if (delta < 0) && (bmi < float64(18.5)) {
fmt.Printf("You need to increase %0.2v kilograms.\n", math.Abs(delta))
Sample output:
Enter your weight in kilograms :
Enter your height in meters :
You have entered weight of : 100
You have entered height of : 1.7
Your BMI is : 34.602076124567475
Your risk category is : Obese
The normal weight for your height is : 72
You need to reduce 28 kilograms.
Happy coding!
See also : Golang : Calculate diameter, circumference, area, sphere surface and volume
By Adam Ng
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