Fix Google Analytics Redundant Hostnames problem
Google Analytics alerted me to a "redundant hostnames" problem today. From the message, appparently, Google Analytics is receiving data streaming from two version of my website instead of one, the non-www and the www version.
To fix this problem, I need to tweak the NGINX configuration from this :
server {
listen 80;
return 301$request_uri;
rewrite ^$request_uri? permanent;
to this :
server {
listen 80;
rewrite ^/(.*)$$request_uri? permanent;
Instead of two server names, now it has only one with the new server_name;
NGINX parameter and redirect every request to the https
version with the rewrite ^/(.*)$$request_uri? permanent;
After Google Analytics re-verify the new configuration, the problem is now marked as resolved.
Hope this tutorial may be useful to you.
Reference :
By Adam Ng
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